Saturday, October 22, 2011

A Class Scavenger Hunt in the Library

For one of my history classes we completed a library scavenger hunt.  For the hunt, we had to find things like an article in Life magazine that dealt with gender before 1960 and an original poster from the 1925 Flunk Day.  Our class raced to see who could complete the project first. My partner and I came in close second.  We learned a lot about the library and a surprising amount about the history of Flunk Day.  It was really nice to take a break from a normal class period and I’m sure our professor enjoyed watching us frantically run around the library.  

Proof that we completed the project: 

     Until next time,

Wilson's Apple Orchard


It is a tradition in my sorority to visit Wilson’s Apple Orchard each year.  Last year I wasn’t able to go, so this year was my first time there.  I really enjoyed the trip!  While we were there, we picked some apples, took A LOT of photos, and drank some apple cider.  We visited the orchard’s store, which had a lot of delicious apple treats, like apple fritters.  Before leaving, I bought a pumpkin to decorate for the room and I enjoyed a frozen apple cider drink.  Next year, I plan on taking my parents there.  I would definitely suggest stopping by the orchard for a visit! 

Until next time,

Research in Hannibal, Missouri

Hello Everyone!

I’m writing a paper on the Mark Twain Boyhood Home and Museum and it’s portrayal of Twain for my Historian’s Craft class.  For the past few weeks, I’ve just been getting some basic information on Mark Twain from the library. Last weekend I was able to go to Hannibal, MO and actually visit the museum to complete some more research.  While I was there, I took pictures of the different sections of the museum, I interviewed Henry Sweets, the museum’s curator, and I picked up some more sources that I could use in my paper.  My history professor let me borrow a recorder for the interview, so I’ll be able to listen to sections of the interview while I’m writing my paper.  Overall, it was a very productive visit!

Have a great week! 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Parent's Visit!

Hello again!

This weekend my parents came to Coe for a quick visit.  When my parents visit, they like to check out all of the great places to eat in Cedar Rapids.  During this visit, we ate at the Irish Democrat Pub and Grille on 1st Ave and we had some delicious hamburgers at Granite City.  Before they left we also had brunch in the Amana Colonies in a restaurant called The Ox Yoke Inn.  If you’re visiting Cedar Rapids sometime, I’d definitely suggest driving an extra twenty minutes to visit the Amana Colonies.  After you’ve finished eating, it’s fun to walk around and look at all of the different shops.  When we weren’t eating, we were driving around Cedar Rapids, checking out all of the local hotspots.  We also relaxed a little and went to see a movie called Debt.  If you’re in the mood for a serious spy movie, I’d suggest going to see it.      

Until next time,

Study Breaks (AKA Study Parties)

This past week my roommates and I had A LOT of homework.  To stay sane while preparing for all of our tests and papers, we took frequent breaks and cheered each other up.  On Thursday night, the night before my paper was due and the night before two of my roommates had their tests, we ordered a pizza and had a ten minute pizza/dance party break.  The day before our pizza party we walked over to the P.U.B. for a quick snack break.  If we need a really quick break, we’ll watch a couple of movie trailers or a funny You Tube video (I suggest watching anything with fainting goats in it) Thanks to the regular study breaks, my roommates and I survived the craziness of this week.  Hopefully we’ll be able to say the same thing for this coming week!

Another great site to visit if you need a study break: Awkward Family Photos

Wish us luck :)